[ Network ] IPv6.h // ndp.h
2013. 9. 10. 10:20
ndp - icmpv6 header 5종
ipv6 header 등
/** * @file ipv6.h * @brief IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) * * @section License * * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Oryx Embedded. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of CycloneTCP Open. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * @author Oryx Embedded ( * @version 1.3.5 **/ #ifndef _IPV6_H #define _IPV6_H //Dependencies #include <string.h> #include "tcp_ip_stack.h" #include "ethernet.h" //IPv6 support #ifndef IPV6_SUPPORT #define IPV6_SUPPORT DISABLED #elif (IPV6_SUPPORT != ENABLED && IPV6_SUPPORT != DISABLED) #error IPV6_SUPPORT parameter is invalid #endif //Default IPv6 Hop Limit field #ifndef IPV6_DEFAULT_HOP_LIMIT #define IPV6_DEFAULT_HOP_LIMIT 64 #elif (IPV6_DEFAULT_HOP_LIMIT < 1) #error IPV6_DEFAULT_HOP_LIMIT parameter is invalid #endif //Maximum number of DNS servers #ifndef IPV6_MAX_DNS_SERVERS #define IPV6_MAX_DNS_SERVERS 2 #elif (IPV6_MAX_DNS_SERVERS < 1) #error IPV6_MAX_DNS_SERVERS parameter is invalid #endif //Maximum size of the IPv6 filter table #ifndef IPV6_FILTER_MAX_SIZE #define IPV6_FILTER_MAX_SIZE 8 #elif (IPV6_FILTER_MAX_SIZE < 4) #error IPV6_FILTER_MAX_SIZE parameter is invalid #endif //Version number for IPv6 #define IPV6_VERSION 6 //Minimum MTU that routers and physical links are required to handle #define IPV6_DEFAULT_MTU 1280 //Maximum payload size #define IPV6_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE (ETH_MTU - sizeof(Ipv6Header)) //Macro used for defining IPv6 addresses #define IPV6_ADDR(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {{{ \ MSB(a), LSB(a), MSB(b), LSB(b), MSB(c), LSB(c), MSB(d), LSB(d), \ MSB(e), LSB(e), MSB(f), LSB(f), MSB(g), LSB(g), MSB(h), LSB(h)}}} //Copy IPv6 address #define ipv6CopyAddr(destIpAddr, srcIpAddr) \ memcpy(destIpAddr, srcIpAddr, sizeof(Ipv6Addr)) //Compare IPv6 addresses #define ipv6CompAddr(ipAddr1, ipAddr2) \ (!memcmp(ipAddr1, ipAddr2, sizeof(Ipv6Addr))) //Determine whether an IPv6 address is a link-local unicast address #define ipv6IsLinkLocalUnicastAddr(ipAddr) \ ((ipAddr)->b[0] == 0xFE && ((ipAddr)->b[1] & 0xC0) == 0x80) //Determine whether an IPv6 address is a multicast address #define ipv6IsMulticastAddr(ipAddr) \ ((ipAddr)->b[0] == 0xFF) //Determine whether an IPv6 address is a solicited-node address #define ipv6IsSolicitedNodeAddr(ipAddr) \ ipv6CompPrefix(ipAddr, &IPV6_SOLICITED_NODE_ADDR_PREFIX, 104) //Determine the scope of a multicast address #define ipv6MulticastAddrScope(ipAddr) ((ipAddr)->b[1] & 0x0F) /** * @brief Multicast scope value **/ typedef enum { IPV6_SCOPE_INTERFACE_LOCAL = 1, IPV6_SCOPE_LINK_LOCAL = 2, IPV6_SCOPE_ADMIN_LOCAL = 4, IPV6_SCOPE_SITE_LOCAL = 5, IPV6_SCOPE_ORGANIZATION_LOCAL = 8, IPV6_SCOPE_GLOBAL = 14 } Ipv6MulticastScope; /** * @brief IPv6 address state **/ typedef enum { IPV6_ADDR_STATE_INVALID = 0, ///<An address that is not assigned to any interface IPV6_ADDR_STATE_TENTATIVE = 1, ///<An address whose uniqueness on a link is being verified IPV6_ADDR_STATE_VALID = 2, ///<A preferred or deprecated address IPV6_ADDR_STATE_PREFERRED = 2, ///<An address assigned to an interface whose use is unrestricted IPV6_ADDR_STATE_DEPRECATED = 3 ///<An address assigned to an interface whose use is discouraged } Ipv6AddrState; /** * @brief IPv6 Next Header types **/ typedef enum { IPV6_HOP_BY_HOP_OPT_HEADER = 0, IPV6_TCP_HEADER = 6, IPV6_UDP_HEADER = 17, IPV6_ROUTING_HEADER = 43, IPV6_FRAGMENT_HEADER = 44, IPV6_ESP_HEADER = 50, IPV6_AUTH_HEADER = 51, IPV6_ICMPV6_HEADER = 58, IPV6_NO_NEXT_HEADER = 59, IPV6_DEST_OPT_HEADER = 60 } Ipv6NextHeaderType; /** * @brief IPv6 fragment offset field **/ typedef enum { IPV6_OFFSET_MASK = 0xFFF8, IPV6_FLAG_RES1 = 0x0004, IPV6_FLAG_RES2 = 0x0002, IPV6_FLAG_M = 0x0001 } Ipv6FragmentOffset; #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_WIN32)) #define __packed #pragma pack(push, 1) #endif /** * @brief IPv6 network address **/ typedef __packed struct { __packed union { uint8_t b[16]; uint16_t w[8]; uint32_t dw[4]; }; } Ipv6Addr; /** * @brief IPv6 header **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t trafficClassH : 4; //0 uint8_t version : 4; uint8_t flowLabelH : 4; //1 uint8_t trafficClassL : 4; uint16_t flowLabelL; //2-3 uint16_t payloadLength; //4-5 uint8_t nextHeader; //6 uint8_t hopLimit; //7 Ipv6Addr srcAddr; //8-23 Ipv6Addr destAddr; //24-39 uint8_t payload[]; //40 } Ipv6Header; /** * @brief IPv6 Hop-by-Hop Options header **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t nextHeader; //0 uint8_t hdrExtLen; //1 uint8_t options[]; //2 } Ipv6HopByHopOptHeader; /** * @brief IPv6 Destination Options header **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t nextHeader; //0 uint8_t hdrExtLen; //1 uint8_t options[]; //2 } Ipv6DestOptHeader; /** * @brief IPv6 Type 0 Routing header **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t nextHeader; //0 uint8_t hdrExtLen; //1 uint8_t routingType; //2 uint8_t segmentsLeft; //3 uint32_t reserved; //4-7 Ipv6Addr address[]; //8 } Ipv6RoutingHeader; /** * @brief IPv6 Fragment header **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t nextHeader; //0 uint8_t reserved; //1 uint16_t fragmentOffset; //2-3 uint32_t identification; //4-7 } Ipv6FragmentHeader; /** * @brief IPv6 Authentication header **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t nextHeader; //0 uint8_t payloadLength; //1 uint16_t reserved; //2-3 uint32_t securityParamIndex; //4-7 uint32_t sequenceNumber; //8-11 uint8_t authData[]; //12 } Ipv6AuthHeader; /** * @brief IPv6 Encapsulating Security Payload header **/ typedef __packed struct { uint32_t securityParamIndex; //0-3 uint32_t sequenceNumber; //4-7 uint8_t payloadData[]; //8 } Ipv6EspHeader; /** * @brief IPv6 pseudo header **/ typedef __packed struct { Ipv6Addr srcAddr; //0-15 Ipv6Addr destAddr; //16-31 uint32_t length; //32-35 uint32_t reserved : 24; //36-38 uint32_t nextHeader : 8; //39 } Ipv6PseudoHeader; #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_WIN32)) #undef __packed #pragma pack(pop) #endif /** * @brief IPv6 configuration **/ typedef struct { Ipv6Addr linkLocalAddr; ///<IPv6 link-local address Ipv6AddrState linkLocalAddrState; ///<Current state of link-local address Ipv6Addr globalAddr; ///<IPv6 global address Ipv6AddrState globalAddrState; ///<Current state of global address Ipv6Addr prefix; ///<IPv6 prefix information uint_t prefixLength; ///<IPv6 prefix length Ipv6Addr router; ///<IPv6 router Ipv6Addr dnsServer[IPV6_MAX_DNS_SERVERS]; ///<IPv6 DNS servers uint_t dnsServerCount; ///<Number of IPv6 DNS servers } Ipv6Config; /** * @brief IPv6 filter table entry **/ typedef struct { Ipv6Addr addr; ///<IPv6 address uint_t refCount; ///<Reference count for the current entry uint_t state; ///<MLD node state bool_t flag; ///<MLD flag time_t timer; ///<Delay timer } Ipv6FilterEntry; //IPv6 related constants extern const Ipv6Addr IPV6_UNSPECIFIED_ADDR; extern const Ipv6Addr IPV6_LOOPBACK_ADDR; extern const Ipv6Addr IPV6_LINK_LOCAL_ALL_NODES_ADDR; extern const Ipv6Addr IPV6_LINK_LOCAL_ALL_ROUTERS_ADDR; extern const Ipv6Addr IPV6_SOLICITED_NODE_ADDR_PREFIX; //IPv6 related functions error_t ipv6Init(NetInterface *interface); void ipv6ProcessPacket(NetInterface *interface, const MacAddr *srcMacAddr, ChunkedBuffer *buffer); error_t ipv6ParseHopByHopOptHeader(NetInterface *interface, const ChunkedBuffer *buffer, size_t *offset, size_t *nextHeaderOffset); error_t ipv6ParseDestOptHeader(NetInterface *interface, const ChunkedBuffer *buffer, size_t *offset, size_t *nextHeaderOffset); error_t ipv6ParseRoutingHeader(NetInterface *interface, const ChunkedBuffer *buffer, size_t *offset, size_t *nextHeaderOffset); error_t ipv6ParseAuthHeader(NetInterface *interface, const ChunkedBuffer *buffer, size_t *offset, size_t *nextHeaderOffset); error_t ipv6ParseEspHeader(NetInterface *interface, const ChunkedBuffer *buffer, size_t *offset, size_t *nextHeaderOffset); error_t ipv6SendDatagram(NetInterface *interface, Ipv6PseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, ChunkedBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, uint8_t hopLimit); error_t ipv6SendPacket(NetInterface *interface, Ipv6PseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, uint32_t fragId, uint16_t fragOffset, ChunkedBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, uint8_t hopLimit); error_t ipv6CheckSourceAddr(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr); error_t ipv6CheckDestAddr(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr); error_t ipv6SelectSourceAddr(NetInterface **interface, const Ipv6Addr *destAddr, Ipv6Addr *srcAddr); error_t ipv6JoinMulticastGroup(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *groupAddr); error_t ipv6LeaveMulticastGroup(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *groupAddr); bool_t ipv6CompPrefix(const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr1, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr2, size_t length); error_t ipv6ComputeSolicitedNodeAddr(const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr, Ipv6Addr *solicitedNodeAddr); error_t ipv6MapMulticastAddrToMac(const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr, MacAddr *macAddr); error_t ipv6StringToAddr(const char_t *str, Ipv6Addr *ipAddr); char_t *ipv6AddrToString(const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr, char_t *str); void ipv6DumpHeader(const Ipv6Header *ipHeader); #endif
/** * @file ndp.h * @brief NDP (Neighbor Discovery Protocol) * * @section License * * Copyright (C) 2010-2013 Oryx Embedded. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of CycloneTCP Open. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * @author Oryx Embedded ( * @version 1.3.5 **/ #ifndef _NDP_H #define _NDP_H //Dependencies #include "tcp_ip_stack.h" //NDP tick interval #ifndef NDP_TICK_INTERVAL #define NDP_TICK_INTERVAL 200 #elif (NDP_TICK_INTERVAL < 100) #error NDP_TICK_INTERVAL parameter is invalid #endif //Neighbor cache size #ifndef NDP_CACHE_SIZE #define NDP_CACHE_SIZE 8 #elif (NDP_CACHE_SIZE < 4) #error NDP_CACHE_SIZE parameter is invalid #endif //Maximum number of packets waiting for address resolution to complete #ifndef NDP_MAX_PENDING_PACKETS #define NDP_MAX_PENDING_PACKETS 2 #elif (NDP_MAX_PENDING_PACKETS < 1) #error NDP_MAX_PENDING_PACKETS parameter is invalid #endif //Number of retransmissions for multicast Neighbor Solicitation messages #ifndef NDP_MAX_MULTICAST_SOLICIT #define NDP_MAX_MULTICAST_SOLICIT 3 #elif (NDP_MAX_MULTICAST_SOLICIT < 1) #error NDP_MAX_MULTICAST_SOLICIT parameter is invalid #endif //Number of retransmissions for unicast Neighbor Solicitation messages #ifndef NDP_MAX_UNICAST_SOLICIT #define NDP_MAX_UNICAST_SOLICIT 3 #elif (NDP_MAX_UNICAST_SOLICIT < 1) #error NDP_MAX_UNICAST_SOLICIT parameter is invalid #endif //The time between retransmissions of Neighbor Solicitation messages #ifndef NDP_RETRANS_TIMER #define NDP_RETRANS_TIMER 1000 #elif (NDP_RETRANS_TIMER < 100) #error NDP_RETRANS_TIMER parameter is invalid #endif //The time a neighbor is considered reachable after receiving a reachability confirmation #ifndef NDP_REACHABLE_TIME #define NDP_REACHABLE_TIME 30000 #elif (NDP_REACHABLE_TIME < 1000) #error NDP_REACHABLE_TIME parameter is invalid #endif //Delay before sending the first probe #ifndef NDP_DELAY_FIRST_PROBE_TIME #define NDP_DELAY_FIRST_PROBE_TIME 5000 #elif (NDP_DELAY_FIRST_PROBE_TIME < 1000) #error NDP_DELAY_FIRST_PROBE_TIME parameter is invalid #endif //Hop Limit used by NDP messages #define NDP_HOP_LIMIT 255 /** * @brief Neighbor Discovery options **/ typedef enum { NDP_OPT_SOURCE_LINK_LAYER_ADDR = 1, NDP_OPT_TARGET_LINK_LAYER_ADDR = 2, NDP_OPT_PREFIX_INFORMATION = 3, NDP_OPT_REDIRECTED_HEADER = 4, NDP_OPT_MTU = 5 } NdpOptionType; /** * @brief Neighbor cache entry states **/ typedef enum { NDP_STATE_NONE = 0, NDP_STATE_INCOMPLETE = 1, NDP_STATE_REACHABLE = 2, NDP_STATE_STALE = 3, NDP_STATE_DELAY = 4, NDP_STATE_PROBE = 5, NDP_STATE_PERMANENT = 6 } NdpState; #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_WIN32)) #define __packed #pragma pack(push, 1) #endif /** * @brief Router Solicitation message **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t code; //1 uint16_t checksum; //2-3 uint32_t reserved; //4-7 uint8_t options[]; //8 } NdpRouterSolMessage; /** * @brief Router Advertisement message **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t code; //1 uint16_t checksum; //2-3 uint8_t curHopLimit; //4 uint8_t reserved : 6; //5 uint8_t o : 1; uint8_t m : 1; uint16_t routerLifetime; //6-7 uint32_t reachableTime; //8-11 uint32_t retransTimer; //12-15 uint8_t options[]; //16 } NdpRouterAdvMessage; /** * @brief Neighbor Solicitation message **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t code; //1 uint16_t checksum; //2-3 uint32_t reserved; //4-7 Ipv6Addr targetAddr; //8-23 uint8_t options[]; //24 } NdpNeighborSolMessage; /** * @brief Neighbor Advertisement message **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t code; //1 uint16_t checksum; //2-3 uint32_t reserved1 : 5; //4 uint32_t o : 1; uint32_t s : 1; uint32_t r : 1; uint32_t reserved2 : 24; //5-7 Ipv6Addr targetAddr; //8-23 uint8_t options[]; //24 } NdpNeighborAdvMessage; /** * @brief Neighbor Discovery option general format **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t length; //1 uint8_t value[]; //2 } NdpOption; /** * @brief Source/Target Link-Layer Address option **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t length; //1 MacAddr linkLayerAddr; //2-7 } NdpLinkLayerAddrOption; /** * @brief Prefix Information option **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t length; //1 uint8_t prefixLength; //2 uint8_t reserved1 : 6; //3 uint8_t a : 1; uint8_t l : 1; uint32_t validLifetime; //4-7 uint32_t preferredLifetime; //8-11 uint32_t reserved2; //12-15 uint8_t prefix[]; //16 } NdpPrefixInfoOption; /** * @brief Redirected Header option **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t length; //1 uint16_t reserved1; //2-3 uint32_t reserved2; //4-7 uint8_t ipPacket[]; //8 } NdpRedirectedHeaderOption; /** * @brief MTU option **/ typedef __packed struct { uint8_t type; //0 uint8_t length; //1 uint16_t reserved; //2-3 uint32_t mtu; //4-7 } NdpMtuOption; #if (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(_WIN32)) #undef __packed #pragma pack(pop) #endif /** * @brief NDP queue item **/ typedef struct { ChunkedBuffer *buffer; //Packet waiting for address resolution size_t offset; //Offset to the first byte of the packet } NdpQueueItem; /** * @brief Neighbor cache entry **/ typedef struct { NdpState state; //Reachability state Ipv6Addr ipAddr; //Unicast IPv6 address MacAddr macAddr; //Link layer address associated with the IPv6 address time_t timestamp; //Timestamp to manage entry lifetime time_t timeout; //Timeout value uint_t retransmitCount; //Retransmission counter NdpQueueItem queue[NDP_MAX_PENDING_PACKETS]; //Packets waiting for address resolution to complete uint_t queueSize; //Number of queued packets } NdpCacheEntry; //NDP related functions error_t ndpInit(NetInterface *interface); void ndpFlushCache(NetInterface *interface); NdpCacheEntry *ndpCreateEntry(NetInterface *interface); NdpCacheEntry *ndpFindEntry(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr); void ndpSendQueuedPackets(NetInterface *interface, NdpCacheEntry *entry); void ndpFlushQueuedPackets(NetInterface *interface, NdpCacheEntry *entry); error_t ndpResolve(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr, MacAddr *macAddr); error_t ndpEnqueuePacket(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *ipAddr, ChunkedBuffer *buffer, size_t offset); void ndpTick(NetInterface *interface); void ndpProcessNeighborSol(NetInterface *interface, Ipv6PseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, const ChunkedBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, uint8_t hopLimit); void ndpProcessNeighborAdv(NetInterface *interface, Ipv6PseudoHeader *pseudoHeader, const ChunkedBuffer *buffer, size_t offset, uint8_t hopLimit); error_t ndpSendRouterSol(NetInterface *interface); error_t ndpSendNeighborSol(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *targetIpAddr); error_t ndpSendNeighborAdv(NetInterface *interface, const Ipv6Addr *targetIpAddr, const Ipv6Addr *destIpAddr); void ndpAddOption(void *message, size_t *messageLength, uint8_t type, const void *value, uint8_t length); void *ndpGetOption(uint8_t *options, size_t length, uint8_t type); void ndpDumpRouterSolMessage(const NdpRouterSolMessage *message); void ndpDumpRouterAdvMessage(const NdpRouterAdvMessage *message); void ndpDumpNeighborSolMessage(const NdpNeighborSolMessage *message); void ndpDumpNeighborAdvMessage(const NdpNeighborAdvMessage *message); #endif
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